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We have the answer to your product returns challenges

Refurbished by Windsor

The Windsor name has become synonymous with rigorous standards and superior quality. Each and every refurbished product bears the “Windsor Certified Refurbished” label, a promise customers know they can trust.

For those products we cannot refurbish, we partner with reputable downstream recyclers to ensure reliable, responsible and secure disposal so that those products do not re-enter the market.

Our services Include:

  • Sort and glean
  • Failure analysis
  • Consumer Simulated Test Center (CSTC)
  • Technical repairs and recertification
  • Cosmetic repairs
  • Cleaning – 5 grades
  • Packaging – multiple formats
  • Customer service
  • Warranty fulfillment

Contact one of our specialists

We know the product returns process and its challenges inside out, we know all the pain points and we are ready to create a custom strategy that fits your brand and specific needs.

Contact Lipa